Certified ScrumMaster
June 2th-3th, 2014 (16 hs)
Dictated by Alan Cyment at CPA Innovation (Hotel Palladium)
The Certified ScrumMaster Training (CSM) course consists of two days of presentation, group discussion and experiential/interactive exercises designed to effectively teach Scrum principles and practices. The value of Scrum comes from doing it, so the class focuses on action. At the end of the training the participants will have the confidence and understanding to begin to socialize Scrum at their own organization and support development teams in improving their processes.
Successful completion of a two-day ScrumMaster Certification course, taught by a Certified Scrum Trainer, is a requisite for taking the Certified ScrumMaster exam. Upon completion of the course, attendees are eligible to take the exam, the successful completion of which results in the designation of "Certified ScrumMaster" from the Scrum Alliance.
This two-day course teaches the principles and practices that make Scrum Masters effective facilitators and productivity enhancers. The course itself uses the principles of Scrum, where the learning outcome is driven by the needs of the participants through a combination of expert instruction and self-directed learning. Opportunities to reflect and adapt the direction of the course are offered at regular intervals.

- First things first
- Why begin by defining a Vision statemet
- Definition of the course vision by its stakeholders
- Trainer's Scrum team internal Vision
- Why and when do we need Scrum
- Quick self-organized simulation
- Project and product complexity
- Iterative and incremental development
- The rules of Scrum
- Flow/Dynamics
- Roles/Perspectives/Responsibilities
- Artifacts/Objects/Elements
- Framework
- Using Scrum to teach Scrum
- Why meta-learn?
- Roles, flow & artifacts used to run the course
- The spirit of scrum
- Games and activities that allow attendants to experience parts of the spirit
- What do we mean by spirit?
- A sketch of the spirit of Scrum
- Tools used by many Scrum teams
- User Stories
- What makes a good User Story
- Backlog Grooming
- Estimation
- Why relative estimation?
- Basic project-wide charts
- Possible types of contracts with non-agile clients
- Taskboard
- Structure and dynamics
- How to use it during a Daily Meeting
- Basic sprint-wide charts
- Retrospective techniques
- Basic heartbeat retrospectives
- User Stories
- Simulation exercise
- Lego-based product development simulation
- Teams experience self-organization in a realistic environment
- Intense retrospective practice
- Beginning with Scrum
- Organic Scrum
- Attendants will then be able to select some of the following topics
- Organizational culture & Scrum
- Facilitation basics
- Scaling Scrum
- Distributed Scrum
- Scrum & Extreme Programming