Coco - Sistema para fortalecer vínculos terapéuticos
Platform: Mobile (native app)
Coco is a platform designed to enhance cognitive-behavioral therapy by addressing long recovery times and economic barriers. *Disclaimer*: I've participated in this project *only* on my role of tutor.
More and more people are suffering from depression and anxiety. When they seek help through psychotherapy, they often encounter economic barriers and, even if they overcome them, the therapeutic process can be slow.
Coco was born to solve the long recovery times in cognitive-behavioral therapy. Typically, patients rely on their memory or paper notes, leading to the loss of important information. Psychologists also take handwritten notes during sessions, complicating the tracking of patient progress.
The team developed Coco to strengthen therapeutic processes and improve recovery times through accessible technology and artificial intelligence. By providing more information to psychologists, Coco enables better diagnoses and more tailored treatments. Patients can record important details like dreams, emotions, and habits on the platform. Psychologists can access these records, take notes during sessions, assign tasks, and obtain a complete summary of the patient.
Coco is designed to be ethical and non-invasive; it acts as a bridge between therapist and patient without replacing professionals or making automatic diagnoses. The platform values the irreplaceable role of health professionals while leveraging technology to improve patients' lives.
The platform is available both on web and mobile using technologies like Next.js, Nest.js, and React Native. The generative artificial intelligence connects via a Fast API service with OpenAI's GPT model.
The development team employed an agile methodology that combines Scrum and Kanban along with ideas from the Lean framework. This approach allowed adapting to real user needs and continuously improving the product.
The project even had an impact on different media and social networks.
De Angelis, Tomás | Rodríguez Sotto, Juan Pablo | Secinaro, María Fernando