Maqii - Herramienta contra el Bullying
Maqii is a tool for specialists to accompany the treatment of children who may be experiencing or suffering from bullying. *Disclaimer*: I've participated in this project *only* on my role of tutor.
Disclaimer: I've participated in this project only on my role of Tutor
Bullying , is defined by the RAE as:
"A behavior contrary to the identity of the student in relation to his race, color, nationality, disability, religion, sexual orientation or any other circumstance".
In the medium and long term, having suffered bullying generates post-traumas for life, causing serious inconveniences to the student when relating to others, causing loss of concentration, panic disorders, poor school performance, depression, low self-esteem, even suicide.
There is no awareness of the magnitude of this problem causing no corrective or preventive measures to be taken, normalizing bullying.
A UNICEF study conducted in 2014 concluded that 78% of suicides in children are related to bullying.
Currently, specialists such as psychiatrists, psychologists and pediatricians treat victims through therapies. But these methods are not enough.
Maqii arises from this problem, providing the specialists who treat the victims with a tool accompanies the treatment of children who may be suffering from, or experiencing, bullying.
On the one hand, it is a mobile educational video game based on a virtual pet, which through "mini-games" and interaction with them, tries to accompany the child in the treatment and detection of bullying. On the other hand, it works in areas that want to improve the patient through a video game, making it a super attractive tool for the child.
The game was developed using the Unity video game engine; generated for Android, allowing in the future to be easily converted to other systems such as IOS.
On the other hand, the expert can, through a web visualize the assigned patients and get reports to assign and get reports to visualize the information collected from the child's interactions with the video game. In this way, the expert can monitor the child, transmit concepts and analyze its evolution. The web has been developed in .Net Core.
Both applications communicate with a server in charge of manipulating the database, as well as generating reports. Being the application developed in .Net Core, and the database in MySQL.
Finally, "Maqii" is a tool used by specialists to detect and treat bullying. It consists of a mobile video game for children, and a web page for specialists to manage their patients and track detection and/or treatment. The MVP was validated with 30 children and presented to an expert in the field indicating that the result was useful.