Raphaël Utilities
2013-03-14 05:30
I've made/adapted this library to import SVG directly from file and scale.
I've made/adapted this library because I was looking for an automatic way to convert SVG tag elements to Raphaël primitives to draw elements. All of the converters that are out there works in this way: you paste SVG tags into some textarea, clicks in convert and then you get all the javascript-raphaël code need it to build the SVG image. If you only need to display a SVG file (compatible with non-SVG browsers), this converters are for you.
But, what about parsing the file in real time, client-side, reading the SVG directly from the file? Well, I took Jonas Olmstead version of his SVG importer and made many changes to it in order to fit all my different scenarios.
This is the template that I use in many of my SVG projects as you can see in demo1, demo2 and demo3.
$(function() { var paper; jQuery.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: 'picture.xml', //this is the svg file loaded as xml dataType: 'xml', success: function(svgXML) { var svg = svgXML.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0]; var width = svg.getAttribute('width'), height = svg.getAttribute('height'); //'board' is the id of the SVG container (div in this case) paper = ScaleRaphael('board', width, height); //This create a scalable svg (changeSize function can be used as you see in next line) //Tricky way to adjust picture size to fill container width $('#board').css('width', '100%'); paper.changeSize($('#board').width(), $('#board').width(), false, true); paper.importSVG(svg, { path: { fill: '#fff' } }); } }); });
I've added the following functions to this library so it can be more useful:
You can change rendered SVG size in runtime (thx ScaleRaphaël)
function resizePaper(){ var win = $(this); paper.changeSize($('#board').width(), $('#board').width(), false, true); } $(window).resize(resizePaper);
Multiple event bindings to Raphaël objects (mostly to handle the case of mobile support).
paper.bindEvents(svgCity, 'mouseover,touchstart', function(el){ this.attr({'fill': '#E0301E'}); });
moveScaledTo is a Raphael canvas extension to move a shape and scale it too.
paper.moveScaledTo(elShape, newX, newY, 1.5); //scale 1.5 times
moveTo is a Raphael canvas extension to move a shape (keeping the same scale).
paper.moveTo(elShape, newX, newY);
getLikeId is a Raphael canvas extension to returns you element by its internal ID (using like instead of equals as getById).
chrome is a Raphael canvas extension to fix small issue with texts in chrome.
beforeFn and afterFn events to be executed in each shape (more on demo3).